Use KEEPER® to help avoid expensive recalls
The Ultimate Antimicrobial Product for the Harvest Processing Industry - Control microbial activity while extending shelf life.
KEEPER® was developed by Bio-Cide International, the world-wide leader in acidified sodium chlorite antimicrobial technologies. KEEPER is activated at the time of use to produce the uniquely effective, antimicrobial, chlorine dioxide. Activated, KEEPER® is used as an antimicrobial agent in water applied to processed fruits and vegetables.
KEEPER® is an FDA approved [21 CFR 173.325] antimicrobial agent that is used to eliminate pathogens and extend shelf life in numerous post harvest fruit and vegetable applications. Per FDA's Letter of No Objection provided to Bio-Cide International (A Kemin Company), KEEPER® may be used at concentrations below 500 ppm in water applied as an antimicrobial agent to post-harvest fruits and vegetables. Typical concentrations are between 5 and 50 ppm.
• Maximize microbial control
• Extend shelf-life
• Develop and maintain your reputation for quality products
• Gain confidence of FDA inspectors by using proven antimicrobial intervention technology
• Integral component of your HACCP Plan
• OMRI Listed® for organic production and food processing