Key Solutions Group sells Oxine® Horticulture and ThinkLite LED lights direct and through qualified industry experts.

Vertical Farming with Oxine Horticulture

Key Solutions Group is the Authorized Manufacturer's Representative for Bio-Cide International KSG's supply chain offers state-of-the-art chlorine dioxide (CLO2) products, including Oxine® Horticulture (OMRI Cert.) serving indoor horticulture industries including flowers, flowering plants, vegetables, fruits and cannabis. Key Solutions Group also supplies additional Oxine® products and custom solutions to an array of other business sectors including food processing, direct to food applications and industrial water treatment.

Oxine® Horticulture is proven highly effective controlling plant pathogens (Botrytis, Pythium, Erwinia, Colletotrichum, Rhizoctonia, Cylindrocladium, Phytophthora and more) in irrigation waters and on hard surfaces throughout grow facilities & greenhouses.

Bio-Cide International (Division of Kemin Food Technologies) has pioneered significant achievements that have revolutionized chlorine dioxide (CLO2) disinfection and sanitation practices for more than forty years.
Bio-Cide Int. manufactures Oxine® Horticulture, a chlorine dioxide product used in the horticultural industry to provide rapid and effective control of organisms in and around indoor grow facility’s water storage tanks, irrigation lines, and humidification systems. Oxine® Horticulture also can be used on all non-porous surfaces throughout the facility as a general facility sanitizer/disinfectant.

About Bio-Cide International